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2006-05-18 - 9:16 a.m.
you got me going in circles

why can't we be friends? - war

lets get racial.

well, first let me blather about other stuff, because the racial shit is so large in my mind that i don't know where and how to start.

okay, reality t.v. sucked deformed puss filled wart having llama balls.

first, the very fuckable eric and jeremy lost to those icky slimy hippies, b.j. and tyler on the amazing race.

there's just something about those hippies that make my sick.

then, on top chef dave got the boot, leaving tiffany or tiffani (who cares) and harold to duke it out for top chef. tiffani soooooo should have been cut. dave, the maniacal little bundle of nerves that he is, got all freaked out and made a big mistake. oh, dave.

although, his dishes were more liked than tiffanis, i guess his mistake was a fatal one. so, even though she didn't deserve to be there based on the choices of the guest judges, she got to stay on a technicality, the fuck up of her competition.

nobody i liked won there respective shows, last night.


at least i know that harold should mop the floor with tiffani. at least if there is any justice in the world.

in between these two disappointments was lost. it was good. and the season finale should be very entertaining and informative. at least it better be.

who am i kidding? i always bitch about how they don't give us enough info and string us along for too long, but, there i am every week glued to the telly.

jeez, tone, couch potato much?

um...i'm reading the anthony keidis autobiography, scar tissue. it's pretty long, like 4 hundred and some pages. it's okay. i love, love, love the chili peppers. i think my big problem with the book is the glamourizing of the drugs. yes, he says things like how he was a leech, and fucked up, but, still. there's just something about the way he.......rhapsodizes (i think that's the fitting word) about the drugs that bugs me. i'm no prude, and i've done my share of shit, but, he just likes it too much.

i don't know.

alright, we were at the bar and this sexy as fuck mexican/latino guy hits me up. he's very homeboyish, and calling me chulo, and hombre. brown and down and all that stuff.

i tell him i'm w/ my boyfriend and he's like, "i'm still gonna be around". so, i'm like, okay, whatever.

later on, i'm dancing with matty and the guy comes by, leans in and tells me, "c'mon, hombre, you're with a whiteboy?"

i was like, "take a walk"

he did. it wasn't some big confrontation.

the thing is, i've heard that line before. believe me.

even some of my friends have given me shit.

it's a trip, you know? like no one cares who you go out with, who you fuck, UNTIL, it's someone not like you.

i'm like, do you not remember that my last two serious boyfriends have been latinos like me?

i hate to sound like some hippie dippy type, but, you really can't help who you fall in love with. love has no color, and all that shit.

corny, but true.

and so what that i'm in a ltr and living with a "whiteboy"? what does that mean? like, what's the problem?

i'll tell you what the problem is:

people worry that you'll change. they think that you'll start thinking / acting like you're white.

i don't know if i can explain what i mean well enough to really do the topic justice.

we "mexican americans" are just like any other "minorities". we have been discriminated against and the number one "enemy" is "whitey".

i'm being a smartass. sorry.

what i'm trying to say is latinos, blacks, asians, what have you are all holding grudges against white people.

not all white people, but, some.

i had a conversation with a friend who brought up a point that i've heard before, but, hadn't heard or thought about in awhile.

every ethnic group has derogatory terms/ slurs / insults: wetback, nigger, chink, raghead....you all know that there are tons more out there.

i don't want to offend anyone but, i'm just putting it out there. the ugly truth.

all the above mentioned slurs are considered to be very bad. pretty much the worst of the worst.

so, what's the worst thing you can call a "white" person? honkey, cracker, okie?

the point of my friends argument is a little too militant for me, but, here it is: white people make these horrible slurs up and since there are no equally horrible ones for them, that sorta "proves" that whites are the most racist race.

i don't believe that. i tried to explain to my friend that by lumping all whites together and stereotyping them all like that, that he was being just as racist as he felt white people were.

it's like we're of mexican descent, so we're wetbacks / we crossed the border illegally into america / we're lazy / we're basically just a blight on this country.

those are some of the stereotypes that i have to deal with. and yes, sometimes there is a person who just kinda throws that stuff in my face. i have been discriminated against. i've been called a wetback, beaner, greaser, etc.

so, beleive me, even if i wanted to "act like i was white", i couldn't. i'm brown skinned, brown eyed, brown haired, obviously latino, possibly italian, but, definitely not white. i have a hispanic name. basically, everything about me is mexican/latino/non white whatever.

oh, man. this subject is so immense. i can't get around it properly.

that guy at the bar just got me thinking. it's just another round in a fight that i don't think will ever end.

why do i bring up big subjects like this with no answer?

it's like running around in a circle.

-take it / leave it-

older entries:
when the walls come tumbling down - 2007-08-17
long weekend - 2007-05-21
gays gone wild - 2007-04-22
fried and objectified - 2007-03-13
fried and objectified - 2007-03-13

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