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2002-12-28 - 8:44 p.m.
i psychotically fucking love pinball

you want me badly, but you cannot have me - no doubt

dave grohl is way sexy. his sideburns, his lanky body, his tattoos...grrrr! today work was off the hizzuk. in a bad way. whatever. after work, we went to steve and hollie's to help finish up with the move. steve's little brother got there, saw me, and said, "what up pretty boy?" i gave him my eyeroll/ middle finger combo. he gets on my last nerve sometimes. here's the thing, when matt walked in from the other room steve's brother said, "what up, OTHER pretty boy?". i had to laugh at that. see, it's fine when it's not just me. j/k...sorta. i have new years eve off, but i have to go back on the 2nd. then i have saturday off. not too bad i guess. although, next saturday will be spent at matt's mothers. oh well, maybe i can suggest we take her out to breakfast. is that horrible. it kinda seems like it is. i don't mean to be, but i try to avoid awkward, uncomfortable situations like the fucking plague. it's my lifes work. now, is that lifes, or lifes'? that's how bad i am about punctuation. maybe as a new years resolution i'll bone up on my punctuation skillz, or lack thereof. i doubt it, but it was a thought. i'm gonna go through my closet and get rid of old clothes. it's just getting ridiculous dude. i did find two things that i can't live w/o. a pair of gray, red, and black plaid pants that i got on state st. in s.b. that i forgot i even owned, and my veruca salt baseball style tour shirt from 1995. it's so fucking cool. i was stoked on that. it still fits and it's so random that it's cool. i think it's about time to spearhead the veruca salt comeback anyway. now i have the tools. i also found this shirt that's black and has the words "jive turkey" written on it. i used to wear it back in my club 70's days. that used to be the funnest club. nothing but 70's music, and not just disco either. they even had an arcade downstairs with nothing but 70's pinball machines. have i ever mentioned that i psychotically fucking love to play pinball? it's the nuts. i'm rambling, so lates...

-take it / leave it-

older entries:
when the walls come tumbling down - 2007-08-17
long weekend - 2007-05-21
gays gone wild - 2007-04-22
fried and objectified - 2007-03-13
fried and objectified - 2007-03-13

designed by lex; hosted by diaryland.

The WeatherPixie